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Bayhoff Software ¥15.00 0.00 2024-02-17

"EN" 17+ 2018-09-19T03:55:58Z 效率软件开发工具



BayCard is an easy-to-use database program that was designed to allow non-programmers to bring their own visions to life without the need to learn how to write code.

So what can you actually do with BayCard? Use it to organize your life. Or perhaps to design a presentation. You can even use it to design a simple point-and-click adventure. The best part about BayCard is that you can utilize the program in ways we never even envisioned.

BayCard was influenced by HyperCard. Like HyperCard, a BayCard document can be thought of as a stack of index cards. As a result, BayCard documents are referred to as stacks. Each stack contains a background that appears below all cards.

Unlike HyperCard, BayCard does not feature a scripting language. In place of a scripting language, BayCard features over 25 powerful interface widgets including, but not limited to, tables, lists, web pages, date pickers, and iTunes-style star ratings. All widgets are 100 percent real and, as such, your BayCard creations will look and feel just like any other aspect of the Mac experience.

To get you started, BayCard includes 11 stack templates, including: Book Collection, CD Collection, DVD Collection, Games, Medications, Notes, Recipes, Serial Numbers, Simple Presentation, To Dos, and Vocabulary. Not surprisingly, an empty “Blank” template is also included.

HyperCard is a trademark of Apple Inc.

版本更新内容:Eliminates some minor cosmetic issues.


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  • 效率
Agenda Calendar Scheduler

Agenda Calendar Scheduler总共13款应用

Schedule daily tasks by using a simple visual planner.? ADVANCED CALENDAR - Week
